Comparing Transformer Types
Commercial electronic devices, like computers, audio systems, and televisions, need small transformers to operate. There are many different types of transformers and core shapes available to engineers because no two operations are the same. Electrical engineers must contend with issues that arise when using transformers, such as flux leakage, core loss, an electromagnetic interference. Of all the options for transformers, there is one that overcomes all the challenges outlined above. Because of their advantages, a toroidal transformer is commonly used instead of other transformer types.
Toroids have grown in popularity because of all the varied benefits they offer with limited drawbacks.
A toroid is shaped like a ring or doughnut, but constructions are made from different materials—depending on the user’s application. While cores are being constructed, they go through core winding, which covers much of the toroid with copper wire. The symmetry of the toroid shape and winding drastically reduces magnetic flux and leakage flux from escaping the core.
Other benefits of using toroids include:
Compact size and design: toroids can fit into most existing constructions because it is smaller than other similar toroids.
Easy Mounting: most toroids can be mounted using a single screw. This helps reduce downtime and maintenance.
Low Stray Magnetic Field: When comparing a toroid to other similar transformers, the toroid has a stray magnetic field that is 85-90% less than other toroids.