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Advantages of Transformer Winding

Transformers are built in two main construction types: shell and core type transformers. Each model offers engineers different pros and cons. Knowing about the two types should make purchases and applications more efficient and economical. A core type transformer has its winding wrapped around the core, covering a considerable part of it. In many cases, core type transformers are preferred over shell types because of all the benefits core types offer. Although core types are often used, they do have some drawbacks.

Transformer Winding

We know toroids core winding and want to help ensure you buy and use the best types for your specific applications.

Core type transformers offer advantages such as:

It prevents iron loss and condensed flux leakage. To integrate lamination into the design, cores must be arranged to secure an overlapping joint that has an extra pair of laminations that are used to make the core’s thickness. Stacking laminations prevent iron loss and condensed flux leakage.

It has strong mechanical strength. Cylindrical coils are used, and they are wound with symmetrical sections. This construction offers users better mechanical strength when compared to other coil types.

It is efficient when working with high frequencies. By using steel laminations that are protected with non-conducting insulated materials between layers, eddy currents will be easily contained and magnetizing effects will be lessened.

Transformer Winding

Although there are advantages, engineers need to be mindful of drawbacks, which include:

They are harder to wind. Our professional team has the tools and the knowledge to ensure that all devices will be perfectly wound.

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