Essential Things to Know About Toroids and Transformer Winding
Understanding the ins-and-outs of toroidal transformers is confusing because of different winding techniques, core materials, and toroid sizes. To try and simplify this complex field, we want to address some of the most commonly asked questions we hear. We hope that these answers can inform you about the benefits of toroids. If you have further questions, you should give us a call.
What applications utilize toroids?
If the electronic design can fit the shape of a toroid, a toroidal transformer can be used. It is crucial to note that just because a toroid will fit inside a device does not mean it is the best choice for your application. Call us to talk about your application needs so that we can help you determine the best possible transformer solutions.
What are the benefits of a toroid’s shape?
A toroid is a 360-degree wound transformer that has symmetry as a result of its circular shape. Using a toroid allows for near complete magnetic field cancellation that is outside the coil. Because of the circular shape, a toroidal will have less inductance and EMI leakage.
What are gapped toroidal transformers?
A gapped toroid is usually filled with a type of insulating material that will help facilitate the transformer winding process.
Why is a toroid usually more expensive than bobbins?
Simply put, the winding process of a toroid is longer and more difficult than winding bobbins, and as a result, the cost of a toroid is usually more. Single wound toroids that are on coated cores will be the most cost competitive variant that is equal to tube or bobbin wound transformers. Another vital factor for cost is the method of mounting a toroid or bobbin.
Toroid Transformer
We can answer more specific questions based on your particular transformer winding needs. We even produce encapsulated toroidal transformers. You should give us a call today if you have further questions.