Important Facts About Toroidal Transformers and Toroid Coil Winding
Designing and using toroids is often confusing to the uninitiated. There are many technical and scientific terms used when talking about the design and applications of toroid. Learning about how these devices work is beneficial for designing toroidal transformers and toroid coil winding.
There is not one or two specific applications that toroids are most common in because toroids are used in any electrical transformer application (if it meets the shape of the device). Toroid are not always the best option for the mass production of high-power applications. In most other situations, toroid are highly recommended.
Toroids are highly customizable to meet the demands of specific electrical applications. During the design process, users decided on materials, height, diameter, and winding. Each customization creates different performance characteristics. The most used materials include silicon steel, moly-permalloy powder, amorphous ferrites, and iron powdered. For special cases, non-magnetic toroids are also available.
The shape of a toroid is very important for the performance characteristics and benefits of the device. The complete, 360-degree shape creates a near magnetic field cancellation outside of the coil. Engineers use toroid because they have less leakage than traditional transformers. They also emit less EMI when compared to similarly powered transformers.
What are the benefits of using toroid and toroid coil winding?These devices provide many benefits not found with other transformers. They do not make noise, are affordable, have low EMI radiation, and are also easy to install. Because they are highly customizable, they meet the needs of different users and applications.