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Powder Core FAQ

Question: What is a powder core?
Answer: A powder core is a distribution of air gap cores, and they have many incredible characteristics. Some of their qualities include high resistivity, low hysteresis and eddy current losses, and excellent inductance stability under both DC and AC conditions.Toroid

Question: What is the main advantage of each distributed gap material?
Answer: Powder core materials are used in inductors, and each has its advantages. Be sure to use MPP material when working with the lowest loss inductor because it has the lowest core loss. Use High Flux for the smallest core size since it has the highest flux capacity.

Question: What is soft saturation?
Answer: Soft saturation is a distributed gap material advantage over a ferrite.

Question: Can powder cores be pressed in different heights?
Answer: Most powder cores can be pressed in different heights. Dies have been created that accommodate the different heights.

Question: What adhesive should I use for powder cores?
Answer: The adhesive that works best with powder cores is Loctite® E-309, which is a one part epoxy adhesive. This adhesive retains its strength at high temperatures and has good strength at room temperature.

Question: When cores are stacked, how are the properties affected?
Answer: If you stack cores, the cross section will increase by the multiple of the number of cores in the stack. However, the magnetic path will remain constant.

Question: What is toroid core winding?
Answer: Toroids are an insulated ring-shaped wire. Toroid coils are typically made of powdered iron, ferrite or another material. Toroid core winding is small toroidal inductors with a ferrite core.

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